An Educational and Fun
Family Game for Adults and
Parents with their Children
Amazing, Extraordinary, Fantastic
(See Reviews on Review Page)
- learning and fun for adults, children, and family time together
- improves student's math skills
- increases children's liking for math and science
- learn imaginative thinking and creative problem solving skills
- teachers can also use Sunya® as a classroom activity
Adding & Subtracting
Sunya® the Magic and Wonder of Math and Science Adding & Subtracting - Ages 7 to Adult (7 - 13 with a Parent)
- parent guide - rules for Sunya® Adding & Subtracting
- sixty custom Sunya® Adding & Subtracting playing cards
- thirty amazing math and science fact and riddle cards (all different facts and riddles than those with Sunya® Multiplying & Dividing)
- the total 90 cards (in one box) is separately purchased - the A&S Parent Guide and Sunya® A&S playing cards are not packaged together
Multiplying & Dividing
This is a different learning activity with its own parent guide and custom playing cards
Sunya® the Magic and Wonder of Math and Science Multiplying & Dividing - Ages 9 to Adult (9 - 13 with a Parent)
- parent guide - rules for Sunya® Multiplying & Dividing
- sixty custom Sunya® Multiplying & Dividing playing cards
- thirty amazing math and science fact and riddle cards (all different facts and riddles than those with Sunya Adding & Subtracting)
- the total 90 cards (in one box) is separately purchased - the M&D Parent Guide and Sunya® M&D playing cards are not packaged together